


NFMLTA /MLJ 艾玛·玛丽·伯克迈尔奖 for Doctoral Dissertation 研究 in World Language Education


艾玛·玛丽·伯克迈尔奖是为了表彰ACTFL的第一任主席, a person who worked tirelessly in the creation of the association and its new programs, 包括 ACTFL Annual Bibliography of Books and Articles on Pedagogy in Foreign Languages《星际网赌登录》. She was an outstanding teacher educator at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. 保罗, and her career influenced countless students of world language education at that institution and practicing teachers across the nation. 通过出版物, 专业的服务, 和 organization of summer institutes for world language professionals, 她的遗产和影响有增无减.

The 艾玛·玛丽·伯克迈尔奖 was established in 1980 to recognize an author of doctoral dissertation research in world language education that contributes significantly to the advancement of the profession. 从石油开采 今天的外语学习, 帕加蒙出版社有限公司.英国伦敦设立了该奖项.

从1989年开始, 接受者收到一笔酬金, provided by the National Federation of Modern Language Teachers' Associations (NFMLTA) and 现代语言杂志. 该奖项证明了ACTFL, NFMLTA和 现代语言杂志 to research in world and second language acquisition and to the application of its results to the classroom.


The competition is open to those who have completed dissertations in the field of world language education during the two calendar years preceding the award ceremony. 获提名者毋须为联会电子下注软件. The competition is for those doctoral students who have focused their research on the field of world language education or who have conducted research related to world language education. Studies using any quantitative or qualitative research approach (historical, 调查, 实验, 民族志, 等.)将被考虑. 每项研究都将根据其方法进行星际网赌登录, 其报告的学术资格, 和 significance of its contributions to knowledge within the world language education field.



被提名人或被提名人将提交论文摘要, 还有一封教职员写的支持信, 致遴选委员会主席. 这封信应该描述论文, 把它放在现场, and relate the significance of its contribution to the theory or practice, 或两个, 第二或世界语言学习. The letter must be submitted along with the dissertation abstract prior to the deadline. Submissions that lack the 支持信 will not be considered.

  1. 摘要长度. The main portion of the abstract should be under 2500 words in length. If the applicant requires additional space in which to present details of research instruments, 理论观点, 或者阐述其他重要的观点, 摘要可附不超过1500字的附录. The title page 和 bibliography are not included in the word count. The main portion of the abstract (excluding the appendix) should not exceed 2500 words (plus the appendix, 如果需要). 超过最大长度的摘要将不予考虑.
  2. 摘要格式. 摘要应该包括一个标题页, 主要报告部分, 参考书目和, 如果需要, 附录.
    1. 论文题目. 这应该是完整的标题,不使用缩写.
    2. Name and address of the institution from which the degree was obtained.



  • a statement of the context in which the research took place and a description of the processes involved;
  • 回顾与该问题相关的文献, 包括对正在审查的研究的贡献;
  • 清晰详细的研究设计;
  • 数据分析清晰、系统;
  • 与数据相适应的结论;
  • recognition of the limitations of the study; and
  • recommendations for further research that are appropriate extensions of the study.

All materials for consideration in both Rounds 1 and 2 are to be submitted in a single dossier as one PDF before the nomination deadline - abstract, 支持信, 和论文.

NOTE: No member or officer of the ACTFL or Language Connects Foundation 董事会 may write a 支持信 for any award nominee or actively shepherd the nomination of an award nominee. No member or officer of the ACTFL or Language Connects Foundation 董事会, or ACTFL employee is eligible for nomination for any award while holding these positions.

提名只可由联会电子下注软件提出. 提名可以是联会电子下注软件或非电子下注软件. 本会只接受联会电子下注软件的自我提名.



  1. The award Selection Committee will be chaired by a member of ACTFL, 由现任总工会主席邀请.
  2. Committee members will be selected from those that apply as volunteers.
  3. Committee members rate and rank the dossiers using the award rubric and return their ratings and rankings to the Committee Chair or Co-Chairs by an agreed upon date.
  4. 委员会将审查第一轮论文摘要和, 随后, full copies of dissertations will be considered in the competition during Round 2.
  5. The Committee may meet as many times as needed to decide on the award recipient.
  6. At the discretion of the Committee, the award may or may not be presented during a given year.
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