



外语年鉴 是ACTFL的官方评审期刊吗 并于1967年首次出版. The journal seeks to serve the professional interests of classroom instructors, 研究人员, 和管理员 across a range of contexts 和 is dedicated to the advancement of the teaching 和 learning of foreign languages, 尤其是英语以外的语言. 每年出版四期.

请注意:我们的访问程序最近发生了变化. To get member access to 佛罗里达州, please click the following link 和 follow the instructions. 如果您有任何疑问或困难,请通过电子邮件与我们联系 membership@85500171.com.




In this presentation, former editor 朱莉·赛克斯 explains how to purposefully use 佛罗里达州, connecting it to the classroom 和 real-world language learning.

World Language 研究 in the Covid-19 Era: Tips, Strategies 和 Support 世界语言研究者, 2019冠状病毒病形势给开局带来挑战, 继续, 完成研究项目. Dr. 朱莉·赛克斯,《电子下注软件》前主编 《电子下注软件》 Director of the Center for Applied Second Language Studies at the University of Oregon, 国家外语资源中心, 和 Co-Director of the Oregon Chinese Flagship Program shares tips for navigating research, participates in an interview with ACTFL’s Director of Assessment 和 研究, 梅格·马龙,并回答参与者的问题. 访问演示文稿的PDF格式.

的临时联合编辑 外语年鉴 是博士. Kristin Davin of University of North Carolina, Charlotte 和 Dr. 俄亥俄州立大学的弗朗西斯焚身说, 总编辑是卢克·普隆斯基, 北亚利桑那大学.

除了临时联合编辑和总编辑, 期刊编辑委员会的成员是:
Beatrice Dupuy,亚利桑那大学
Agnes Weiyun He, State University of New York at Stonybrook
Claudia Holguín,加州大学河滨分校
Jason Martel,米德尔伯里国际研究学院
Cristina Pardo-Ballester,爱荷华州立大学
Tracy Quan,科罗拉多大学博尔德分校
Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer,爱荷华州立大学


ACTFL的所有12000多名成员都收到了 外语年鉴 作为电子下注软件的福利. In addition, more than 1,000 academic libraries subscribe to 外语年鉴. Only institutional subscriptions are available to nonmembers.


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机构:印刷+在线$354£ 183€ 229€ 229$467
机构:仅限印刷品$308£ 158€ 199€ 199$406

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作者应仔细审查 作者指导方针 to ensure that both the content 和 format of their work are appropriate for this journal, 然后提交摘要, 手稿和随附文件使用 ScholarOne手稿™.


The Editor 和 Editorial Board welcome individuals who would like to review for the journal. To be added to our list of reviewers, please carefully consider the 审稿人的指导方针 (PDF),然后在以下网址注册为审稿人: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/flajournal The voluntary work of reviewers is acknowledged in the spring issue of the journal 和 letters of appreciation recognizing reviewers’ service to the profession are also sent


外语年鉴 是ACTFL的官方评审期刊吗. 并于1967年首次出版. The journal seeks to serve the professional interests of classroom instructors, 研究人员, 和管理员 across a range of contexts 和 is dedicated to the advancement of the teaching 和 learning of foreign languages, 尤其是英语以外的语言. 每年出版四期.

请注意:我们的访问程序最近发生了变化. To get member access to 佛罗里达州, please click the following link 和 follow the instructions. 如果您有任何疑问或困难,请通过电子邮件与我们联系 membership@85500171.com.




许多佛罗里达州文章都有作者的视频摘要, where they help you underst和 why the research is important 和 how you can use it in your classroom.


The journal welcomes submissions that report empirical research on, 这对, foreign language teaching 和 learning at all levels of instruction. The journal also welcomes manuscripts that advance theoretical discussions in foreign language education 和 manuscripts that document the effectiveness of teaching strategies or address a wide variety of emerging issues of interest within the profession.

  • Only original works that have not been previously published elsewhere 和 that are not under consideration by any other publication may be submitted for review.
  • 所有提交的材料必须用标准英语书写, in a style that is accessible to a broad readership of foreign language 研究人员, 教育工作者, 和管理员.
  • 书评, 文学评论, 关于教学策略或活动的轶事报道, 评论文章不被接受.
  • If the topic of a submission focuses on English as a second/foreign language, the manuscript should be written so that all language professionals could benefit. Manuscripts focusing solely on English may be returned without review or referred to a different journal.
  • 外语年鉴 seeks to represent a broad range of 研究人员 和 perspectives. Authors who have previously published as a single or first author in 外语年鉴 是否可以提交后续的手稿, 如果你被录取了, 出版日期之间相隔12个月. This restriction does not apply to second or subsequent authors.
  • 外语年鉴 does not accept multiple simultaneous submissions 从 same author.
  • Preference will be given to papers that address substantive issues, 熟练运用研究方法, 和 report new qualitative or quantitative data that have strong implications for st和ards-based, 以熟练为导向的语言教学.

Authors are invited to submit their work using the journal’s 在线管理系统. More than 175 manuscripts are submitted to the journal annually; approximately 15% of the submissions are selected for publication.

